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Re: Open a https url on a special port ? (asp/ajax inside)

Posted by Arnaud on 03/17/06 18:47

"Tim Van Wassenhove" <> a �crit dans le message
de news: dvemlp$8fv$
> On 2006-03-17, Arnaud <no> wrote:
> And where is the code that you've already tried but didn't work?

Classical fsockopen or fopen :
if ($handle = fopen($url_complete, "r"))
echo 'ok';
echo 'ko';

I also tried several syntax with the fsockopen (ssl://...) but i always
obtain :
Warning: fsockopen(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or
service not known (is your IPV6 configuration correct? If this error happens
all the time, try reconfiguring PHP using --disable-ipv6 option to
configure) in...




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