Posted by Toby Inkster on 03/19/06 11:33
Noozer wrote:
> What I'd like in an IDE is:
> - able to open and save using FTP to my web host
> - colour coded syntax
> - automatic listing of members
> - the ability to automatically apply attribute quotes and close tags
> - multiple documents open at one time
> - validate for specific browsers or HTML standards
> - no need for WYSIWYG layout editors
> - no complicated Source file control
Screem <http://www.screem.org/> can do pretty much all of this. It also
has a built-in WYSIWYG *preview* (not *editor* -- uses either Gecko or
GtkHTML to provide this preview), spelling checker, support for CVS as a
version control system. It will properly read DTDs, so it can syntax
highlight not just HTML, but also other XML/SGML files with DOCTYPEs.
Screem is mostly developed for Linux/UNIX, but I imagine it could be made
to run on Mac OS X and Windows, providing an X server is installed.
Toby A Inkster BSc (Hons) ARCS
Contact Me ~ http://tobyinkster.co.uk/contact
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