Posted by dorayme on 03/19/06 18:53
In article <MPG.1e867b7e427afcb598982d@news.isp.com>,
Neredbojias <invalid@neredbojias.com> wrote:
> > And, btw, don't stir up that "mad hatter" crowd, a few of their
> > threads have (after a long absence) started appearing, complete
> > with foul language, on my newsreader.
> I don't view them as a crowd, I view each as an individual with a unique
> persona and responsible for his/her own commentary just as anyone would
> be.
Boji, I have reinstructed Officer Bud White. Rather than give you
an education, I have told him to get one from you. I have told
him to accept on trust that you will treat him fairly on his
individual merit. In practical terms this means he will offer no
resistance and you can beat him into a pulp.
> Casually categorizing people into groups leads to discrimination
> which I have found that Australians in particular are far from free of.
Australians in particular eh? I take it that this categorization
is not casual.
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