Posted by Arnold Shore on 03/19/06 13:15
I send the stuff as form data all the time (although not that volume/size).
No chunking, no content-type. Yr base64 encoding makes it an ascii
Use "extract ($HTTP_POST_VARS)" at the top of yr php receiver script to get
at what was the form vars. Really simple. Try it with a small volume to see
if the size breaks the logic, which I don't think it will for POST data.
"Bint" <Bint@igm.com> wrote in message
> Hello,
> I'm new to web programming, and I've been looking all day on the web
> for an answer to this question.
> I'm trying to send some binary data, a relatively large amount (~128K), to
> a PHP script from a wireless device that has TCP/IP sockets. So I'm
> sending all of my data manually (ie ,"POST http://www.blah.com/process.php
> HTTP/1.0\n").
> I am able to send regular form data such as
> "tireqty=3&oilqty=4&sparkqty=1&address=4204MainStreet\n\n";
> To do this I have a header for the content type like so: "Content-Type:
> application/x-www-form-urlencoded\n";"
> I have even encoded my data in base64 ...
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