Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 03/20/06 21:51
Neredbojias wrote:
> With neither quill nor qualm, Jonathan N. Little quothed:
>>>>>> Yep, typo is was late last night, and I'm dyslexic with my typing as well!
>>>>> Have you tried standing on your head?
>>>> No but I might type it as "Deah ruoy no gnidnats deirt uoy evah."
>>> Okay, forget that. It's worse than your regular posts... :)
>> Well, I'm still trying to figure out how standing on my head will help! :-)
> Oh. Well as I understand it, dyslexic people see things on the wrong
> side - "cross eyed" in a manner of speaking. Standing on your head
> would reverse the order which is doubly reversed by the malady (-like 2
> negatives make a positive) and everything might come out more or less
> okay. I realize that the letters would be inverted in the process, but
> hey, you can't have everything.
Well, some do I guess, but not all. I didn't reverse letter although
without any thought at a young age I found I could mirror write, like
ol' Leonardo. But others like me seem to miss letters or parts of words
while reading and writing. Word processors with spell check have been my
my salvation.
Actually I just upgraded from Mozilla to SeaMonkey and found that the
spell checker checks as you type like MS Word, SWEET! Now if I could jet
get my old Orbit 3+1 theme for SeaMonkey instead of this damn pale grey
I'll be happy.
Take care,
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