Posted by Abby on 05/24/05 18:54
Thanks, I tried to run it on my local maching which i've tried WIMP and
WAMP...both are looking for the variables to be defined and the sessions
don't work. I didn't write this application obviously and am cleaning up
someone else's mess. So - do you know if this session and variable problem
will carry over to Linux? Is this something that is possible configured at
the server level?
"Mike Willbanks" <pencap@gmail.com> wrote in message
> Abby,
>> I have an application that is written in php/mysql on a Linux platform
>> and
>> need to transfer hosts. This is a session based application and I don't
>> know a lot about php/Linux/mysql, but can get by. I know windows/asp,
>> etc.
>> much more extensively. So, can I just move the whole thing over to a
>> Windows server, upload the mysql backup database and change the settings
>> for
>> the db connection and have it work? Is there anything that would prevent
>> this from transitioning smoothly? If so, if I stayed with a Linux
>> platform,
>> would the transition be this easy or would I have coding changes with
>> this
>> as well.
>> I need to tell the new host which platform today and I would rather use
>> windows, but if there are going to be too many coding changes on Windows,
>> then I'll leave it on Linux, but if there is just as much work on Linux,
>> then I prefer to stick with Windows.
> First I would like to say that most of the time PHP applications will move
> over pretty quickly. Sometimes when switching platforms, you may
> experience problems because sometimes there are specific items that use
> linux commands via exec.
> Also you may want to note what extensions you are currently using and what
> you need to make sure that the windows server has it. On another note PHP
> sometimes does not work very well on windows (it can be a pain to setup
> and stabilize). If the host is doing that for you then you need not to
> worry about that.
> I would say to stick with a LAMP box instead of a WIMP or WAMP box. But
> that is preference.
> Mike
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