Posted by Travis Newbury on 03/21/06 19:07
Onideus Mad Hatter wrote:
> >> >I use XML as my bridge. PHP writes the XML, Flash reads the XML.
> >> ...um, what use is XML to Flash?
> >You need to pull out your Flash 101 study guide if you ask what use is
> >XML to Flash.
> Sorry, I don't do the whole "spoon fed" education. Everything I know
> was derived on my own through experimentation, analysis, trial and
> error, etc.
Ok, that explains your current understanding of Flash and XML.
> I am not a walking encyclopedia of OTHER people's
> supposed knowledge and understanding like so many of you kids...and
> hey, it's workin so far:
> http://www.sarcastic-caret.net/wedding/
> Do YOU have a Flash site with integrated PHP functionality? No? Huh,
> funny that. *shrugs*
Why do you ask a question then answer it (incorrectly)?
> The code in its current form probably isn't as streamlined as it could
> be
> Again though...what the fuck have you got?
Well for starters, the flash video player on the Aerosmith's website,
But hey, who the hell are they?
> >Using either a manual parsing,
> Whose parsing what now? Are you just reading this out of a book or
> something? LOL Seriously, what are you saying? Do you know?
Your lack of XML knowledge is showing through.
> >Many of the components for Flash are driven my XML.
> ...really? Like what, specifically?
> >The menu and tree component are two examples.
> ...what menu and tree components? Oh, wait, yer talkin about
> Macromedia Flash, the program that does everything for you cause you
> don't know how to do it yourself using SwishMax,
Hatter you are too funny. SwishMax is for kids. Bye bye now.
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