Posted by kees hessels on 03/21/06 17:38
My application is designed so that each user has his own database.
Is there a change that one user may be connecting to somebody elses
"J.O. Aho" <user@example.net> wrote in message
> kees hessels wrote:
>> Hi there, How (if) can i store the link from a mysql connect in a session
>> variable
>> something like
>> $_SESSION['db_link']=mysql_connect ( $server, $username, $password );
>> Currently de mysql link is not saved in the session ...while ather vars
>> are properly stored and retrieved ????
>> The goal of the exercise is to limit the amount of mysql_connect in my
>> app.
> You don't, there aren't any good effects of saving the resource in a
> session.
> mysql_connect() results in a disconnect from the sql server when the
> php-script has been run.
> mysql_pconnect() tries to keep the connection alive, but still do not save
> the resource to a session, as you never know if the connection will stay
> alive to the next php-script, so you need to rerun the mysql_pconnect(),
> it will check if the connection is still alive, is so it won't do anything
> else, but if it would be so it's dead, then it will reconnect to the
> sql-server.
> http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.mysql-pconnect.php
> You will have as many mysql_pconnect() in your code as you did have
> mysql_connect(), but you will have less overhead.
> //Aho
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