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Re: How to render a heading as two lines?

Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 03/22/06 06:37

Greg N. wrote:
> Suppose you need a heading <h1>Huddersfield Canal Society</h1> to be
> rendered as two lines. The result you want to see is:
> Huddersfield
> Canal Society
> It can be fudged by marking it up as
> <h1>Huddersfield<br>Canal Society</h1>
> or
> <h1>Huddersfield</h1>
> <h1>Canal Society</h1>
> But what would you suggest, that complies with HTML 4.01 strict, and is
> politically correct with respect to style/content separation?
Since this refers back to the guy that with the heading in his banner

#banner { ... }
#banner IMG { vertical-align: middle; }
#banner H1 { display: inline; }
#banner #canal { float: right; }

<div id="banner">
<img id="canal" src="canal.jpg" alt="canal">
<img src="logoGfx.gif" alt="logo">
<h1>Huddersfield Canal Society</h1>

Would that not do what he wishes? If the H1 in the banner was inline it
it would wrap when compressed.

Take care,




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