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How to convert HTML special characters to the real characters with a Java script

Posted by Stefan Mueller on 03/21/06 20:26

I read data (e.g. ����������"') from my MySQL database which I'd like to
show in an input box.

$mysql_data = "����������\"'";
$html_data = addslashes(htmlentities($mysql_data, ENT_QUOTES));

echo "<script type = 'text/javascript'>";
echo "function set_old_data() {";
echo "my_form.input1.value = var_old_data;";
echo "}";
echo "var_old_data = '" . $html_data . "';";
echo "</script>";

echo "<body>";
echo "<form name = 'my_form' action = '' method = 'post' accept-charset
= 'iso-8859-1'>";
echo "<input type = 'text' name = 'input1' value = '" . $html_data .
echo "<input type = 'button' value = 'Old Data' onClick =
echo "</form>";
echo "</body>";

The command
echo "<input type = 'text' name = 'input1' value = '" . $html_data . "'>";
shows my data ����������"' in the input box perfect.

But if I click on the button 'Old Data' the Java script function
'set_old_data' shows in the input box
instead of

Therefore I need a Java script function with translates

In PHP I could do that with the function

But how can I do it with a Java script?

PS: html_entity_decode() is the opposite of htmlentities(). It converts all
HTML entities to their applicable characters from string.



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