Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 03/22/06 15:48
Thomas Maier-Komor wrote:
> I tested PHP before, but I am not allowed to use it. Your sample
> (test.html and test.php) on my server just does not include the
> requested file.
> My provider disables PHP and SIS explicitly for me, because I don't pay
> enough ;-) So I will probably have to invest the additional ~60EUR/year
> to get PHP or SIS or switch to another provider.
> Does anybody know a decent German provider that overs either SIS or PHP
> at < 30EUR/year?
30EUR | 37USD/yr is pretty cheap but:
cheap web hosting $35 year php - Google Search
Who says it has to be a German Provider?
Cheap web hosting & free domain: $2.99/mo for 100Mb, CGI/PHP/MySql ...
For a few EURs more ...
I don't use a local hosting company, but one across the country. Less
than 1/2 the price and many times the disk space and transfer rate...
NOTE 1: I know nothing about hosting company above, just an example that
1: they are out there and 2: easy to find.
NOTE 2: What you are doing now is what is call a 'real kludge' and will
always be problematic.
Take care,
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