Posted by R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah on 03/22/06 13:50
Erwin Moller wrote:
> > Another thing is that ADODB's mysqli support is bogus and this is of
> > major concern as every other client wants the mysqli features.
> Well, maybe you are right. I am only using ADODB for MSSQL Server access,
> and it has no problems (so far), nor any errors.
> My ADO package says it is for PHP4, but runs fine under PHP5.
As I said, it might be because of your error level or compatibility
mode. But, it shoudl definitely throw errors on strict mode (I always
use E_ALL | E_STRICT) as they're using deprectated var (at least for
this you should get error).
> Well, I hope this information helps.
> If you cannot solve your problems/errors, maybe contact John Lim, the
> author.
> He answered my emails fast and polite, great guy. :-)
http://phplens.com/lens/lensforum/msgs.php?id=14200&x=1 shows that
the mysqli is not maintained and the author wants contribution. But, my
concern is not only with this plug, but with other classes too.
It's quite time I was away from PHP and didn't read the blogs; and
thought there might be some forks available in the meantime (like
<?php echo 'Just another PHP saint'; ?>
Email: rrjanbiah-at-Y!com Blog: http://rajeshanbiah.blogspot.com/
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