Posted by Disco Octopus on 03/22/06 23:32
JDS wrote:
> On Wed, 22 Mar 2006 15:26:25 +1100, dorayme wrote:
>> BTW, why are you using the backward slash \ rather than the
>> forward one /?
> Because they obviously do not know the difference.
> Pet peeve: "forwared slash" being referred to as "back slash".
> Arrrrgh!!!! IT IS A FORWARD SLASH!!! ARGH!
> There is a local radio show in which one ad for the show gave their web
> address as "myspace.com-BACKSLASH-radioshowname"
> ARGH!!! FORWARD SLASH!!! I would yell into the radio. Apparently others
> were yelling also, because they had a whole segment on all the email and
> calls they had received about their incorrect usage of "backslash"
> Oh, well. On thing is clear to me -- most people have no frikken idea how
> to use a computer or how a computer works. That's good for me, though, I
> guess, carrer-wise, at any rate.
> blah...
If thats the worst part of you day, then you are doing better than most.
teach the kids how to fish
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