Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 05/25/05 19:52
RC wrote:
> Order for PHP get the array from a
> HTML form checkbox or select tag.
> The HTML name MUST with [].
> For example:
> <form methos=POST action="myfile.php">
> <select name="pets[]" multiple>
> <option value="cat">Cat
> <option value="dog">Dog
> ...
> </select>
> Or
> <input type="checkbox" name="fruits[]" value="apple">
> <input type="checkbox" name="fuits[]" value="orange">
> </form>
> But the problem is name="XXX[]" is not standard HTML, right?
> Especial when my HTML file has JavaScript, JavaScript
> treats the name of select or checkbox tag as an array,
> so it doesn't recognized name with []. In JavaScript treats
> form.pets[0].value = "cat"
> Can't treats
> form.pets[][0].value = "cat"
> But in PHP
> $pets = $_POST['pets'];
> $fruits = $_POST['fruits'];
> How can I solve this problem a HTML form has JavaScript and
> process with PHP?
> Thank Q very much in advance!
Use the id= field to give each field a unique id. You can then
reference the field by id in your Javascript and still access the array
in your PHP.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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