Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 03/24/06 16:49
Nick Theodorakis wrote:
> Travis Newbury wrote:
>> Alan J. Flavell wrote:
>>> A pity that MSIE plays by totally different rules.
>> This is only true if you assume someone else's rules are the right
>> ones. At the time Desktops were dominated by Microsoft. The makers of
>> the "rules" happened to be on *nix.
>> Plus look at the bandwidth microsoft is saving the world elmininating
>> that one character. If every HTML page being called world wide was now
>> HTM the savings would be huge!
> [...]
> If that's the real reason you'd save even more bandwidth by configuring
> the server to serve html pages without any extension at all.
> Of course, that savings would be trivial compared to that which could be
> had if everyone optimized image sizes and used cleaner markup.
> (and yes, I know you were joking)
Why should I optimize? MS Publisher does a dandy job of keeping all the
styling handy right there interspersed throughout my markup! And why
bother resampling those 3000+ pixel on a side images when I can
miraculously make instant thumbnails with width and height attributes?
Then I can fit 50 or more images on a page!
Take care,
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