Posted by Mike Walsh on 05/26/05 06:25
"ljb" <ljb220@mindspring.com.nospam> wrote in message
> mike_walsh@mindspring.com wrote:
[ ... snipped ... ]
> If you were developing on Unix/Linux, I would suggest using freetds for
> low-level library. On Windows, it might be better to use the PHP ODBC
> extension instead of the PHP sybase_ct extension. Can your application
> ODBC instead? But the general answer to your question is that the
> library like libct.dll (or ODBC) has to come with the database software.
> No, Sybase doesn't make it available separately as far as I know, and in
> fact they don't even make it easy to find out how to buy it (apart from
> being included in the database product). But if your Windows box can talk
> to the database (with Sybase central, for example) then it already has the
> low-level ODBC drivers from Sybase, and PHP should be able to use those
> with the ODBC extension.
Can you elaborate on freetds? The application is developed on a Windows
environment but will be deployed on a Sun so I actually need to solve both
I have actually started looking into the ODBC solution and have been able to
create a connection via Excel so I assume I can use the same datasource for
PHP. However, I am struggling with how exactly to make this work.
I have set up an ODBC Data Source using Windows XP's Data Source (ODBC)
Control Panel utility. I am able to connect to the database without any
problem. I have given this datasource a name "Sample Data Source".
Now how would I create the proper connection with PHP? I am using PEAR DB
and did the following:
//The hostname that has the Database
define("DB_HOSTNAME", "odbc.server.com");
define("DB_PORT", "1000");
//The username and password
define("DB_USERNAME", "db_username");
define("DB_PASSWORD", "db_password");
//The DB name to use
define("DB_NAME", "sample_database");
//The DB DSN
define("DB_DSN", "odbc://" . DB_USERNAME . ":" . DB_PASSWORD . "@" .
DB_HOSTNAME . ":" . DB_PORT . "/" . DB_NAME) ;
$dbh = DB::connect(CQ_DB_DSN, true) ;
if (DB::isError($dbh))
die(sprintf("%s(%s): %s", basename(__FILE__), __LINE__,
$dbh->getMessage())) ;
print "Database connection successful." ;
$dbh->disconnect() ;
The values in the PHP defines are the same as those I used to create the
ODBC connection via the Windows Control Panel. Should my DSN reference the
name I used to create the ODBC connection? What would a valid DSN then look
Thanks for any guidance.
Mike Walsh - mike_walsh at mindspring.com
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