Posted by Alan J. Flavell on 03/25/06 18:05
On Sat, 25 Mar 2006, kchayka wrote:
> Jukka K. Korpela wrote:
> >
> > The name orange is an unfortunate choice, since it is not a
> > defined name by CSS 1.0 and CSS 2.0 specifications,
> It is, however, one of the well-established X11 color names, which
> are supported by many browsers, even Netscape 4.x.
That's as may be, but Jukka's advice is good: a browser has every
right to ignore it, supported by the CSS recommendations on error
> IIRC, X11 color names are included in the CSS 3 spec.
It's about compatibility. Be conservative in what you offer, and
liberal in what you accept. In CSS terms, that means CSS authors
should not offer newly-defined stuff unless willing to cope with the
consequences of it being ignored, whereas developers of software
should implement newly-defined stuff as soon as possible, while still
following the CSS mandates and guidelines about ignoring stuff that
they don't understand (i.e DON'T try to guess what the author might
have meant, as the consequences can be disastrous).
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