Posted by Zoe Brown on 03/25/06 10:02
"Chris H" <lppa2004@insightbb.com> wrote in message
>I am having a problem with pagination, basically the problem is happening
>in the "PREV / NUMBERS / NEXT" links, it appears as if the reason is
>becasue the increment and decrement operators aren't functioning or the
>$page variable isnt working in that part of the code... Below is the link
>to the working but broken page.. as well as the main part of my code...
>Hopefully someone can explain why the operators arent working or maybe see
>what i am overlooking.
I haven't got the time to read in detail sorry, but I cant see where you are
reading your page value. Shoudl be something like POST_($page) .
So you have page=$page in the quesry string, read the value as per above,
increment and then use in teh new quesry string...
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