Posted by J.O. Aho on 09/28/05 11:43
Michel Angelo wrote:
> Hi All!
> While the following works just fine with Firefox, it doesn't with Internet
> Explorer:
> if ($action == "view") {
> $pass_id = $row[$this->IDfield];
> if (isset($_GET["id"])){
> $passw= $_GET["id"];
> $this->passw = $passw;
> }
> $url = "appdetail.php?id=".$passw;
> $delay = "0";
> echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh"
> content="'.$delay.';url='.$url.'">';
> }
> Why?
> And more importantly, how to fix it ?
IMHO you should use header() instead of the meta-tag you are using
There are some major issues with MSIE, that are covered in the user comments,
for some there is a work around and others may not, but thats how things are
with a bug infested browser that is closed sourced so no one can fix it.
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