Posted by Adrienne on 05/25/05 21:31
Gazing into my crystal ball I observed "Simon" <spambucket@myoddweb.com>
writing in news:3fiut9F7s7lpU1@individual.net:
> Hi,
> I am trying to write a class in php that removes possible injections in
> user given html, (from a <textarea>).
> I realize that I could prevent any HTML code '<' and '>' but that
> would, (IMHO), be a bit of an overkill.
> I don't want to limit html for the sake of a handful of bad elements.
> but before I do that I need to work out what is potentially malicious
> and what is not.
> My first assertion is that the html tags, (<a>, <table> etc...), in
> themselves are not a potential danger, (Apart of course for <script>).
> By that I mean there is no tag that can make my server behave in a
> certain way, only the elements in the tag can be hurtful.
> My second assertion is that the element 'style="...", in any tag,
> cannot contain any malicious code, (that is for example contain any
> donkey(...) etc), so I would be right in allowing any style="...",
> id="..." and class="..." elements.
> Are my above assertions right?
> And where would I be able to find a more detailed article on the
> possible dangers of HTML tags and elements?
> I do realize that php can have it's own problems, but I would like to
> limit myself to 'normal' html.
> Many thanks in advance.
> Simon
If you're working with a database, beware of SQL Injection, ie:
<textarea>DROP TABLE</textarea>
http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5DP0N1P76E.html has some good
Adrienne Boswell
Please respond to the group so others can share
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