Posted by Rasta Khan on 09/26/45 11:43
Meat Plow <meat@meatplow.local> wrote in
> On Tue, 28 Mar 2006 05:16:47 -0600, trippy wrote:
>> In article <e0b2oh$gsf$2@blackhelicopter.databasix.com>, Fred Hall
>> took the hamburger, threw it on the grill, and I said "Oh wow"...
>>> What sort of obsessed kook spends seven hours sending 29 control
>>> messages, 28 of them to create revenge groups dedicated to AUK and
>>> AFA-B posters?
>>> Rhusty Khunt. Owned by AUK and AFA-B.
>> Dean. Owned by AUK.
> <canned snuhtard reply>
> You're seeing Deans everywhere.
> <end of canned snuhtard reply>
You forgot the slash in the closing tag </*> Meaty.
RASTA KHAN - The Supreme OverLord of alt.config and alt.kookologist.*
Life is like a box of chocolates. It's full of nuts.
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Peter J. Ross on Barbara Schwarz ...
"Decided a couple of years ago. She isn't eligible for any more awards.
However, people whose whole lives seem to be devoted to following her
around might deserve something."
Message-ID: <slrndad6ri.6aa.pjr@nntp.petitmorte.net>
Peter J. Ross on Barbara Schwarz ...
"Barbara Schwarz[tm] is Formosa'ed."
Message-ID: <slrnd1dhhc.8ov.gadfly@nntp.petitmorte.net>
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