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Re: Question in regards to a defining a css class

Posted by dorayme on 11/15/42 11:44

In article <Xns9794A67B3EBA4arbpenyahoocom@>,
Adrienne Boswell <> wrote:

> Gazing into my crystal ball I observed dorayme
> <> writing in
> > In article <Xns9793EF47C3DDCarbpenyahoocom@>,
> > Adrienne Boswell <> wrote:
> >
> >> A site I am developing uses liturgical colors: white, red, violet,
> >> rose, and green. I have a main stylesheet that has the non-color
> >> properties, size, font, position, etc., and then the color stylesheets
> >> depending on the day's liturgical color. If the liturical color of
> >> the day is violet, then the violet stylesheet is applied that uses
> >> various shades of purple.
> >
> > This sounds very sensible, you won't mind if I utilise this idea?
> > It is a neat way to present drafts for website customers to show
> > them alternative colour schemes.
> >
> I would be honored. Here's what I do (ASP example)
> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css" title="Main
> Stylesheet">
> <% dim sheet
> if session("sheet") = "" then
> if request.querystring("color") <> "" then
> sheet = request.querystring("color")
> session("sheet") = sheet
> else
> sheet = "green" 'default color
> end if
> else
> sheet = session("sheet")
> end if
> %>
> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<%=sheet%>.css" type="text/css" title="<%
> =sheet%>">
> Then further on the page somewhere in an include
> <ul>
> <li><a href="<%=request.servervariables("script_name")%>?color=red">Red</a>
> </li>

Well, impressive, I will keep this in mind. I use far lower tech
and humbler approach for everything (because of my faults,
recently on full display at alt.html, I need to be especially
humble before God...)

With the client next to me I have a whole lot of stylesheet links
and turn them on and off with simple <!-- and --> or move them up
and down in the head list. They can be enormously impressed by
this geeky flourish of diving into what is for them
incomprehensible source and making a spectacular change to the

When providing links to drafts I just send a few links to the
different versions. http://www.blueVersion.html and
http://www.crimsonVersion.html etc.

When I next have such a client, and if he or she agrees to throw
me a few shekels, I will pay you with another tale for your




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