Posted by Ed Mullen on 03/29/06 05:44
Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
> htmldummy wrote:
>> What I mean by character limitation is this:
>> Craig's list, for example, only allows 3,000 characters to be posted
>> in the ad (i.e. a total of 3,000 letters, characters, spaces).
>> Therefore, because I have a ton of graphics
>> (i.e."http://home.att.net/~novice/beginner/homepage/pic1.jpg"), those
>> take up a lot of the characters.
> Ahh. Now we're getting somewhere. The real reason.
>> So for example: http://www.home.att.net/pic.jpg <- 34 characters.
>> Hope that explains it better.
>> In other words, I have a html document created. I need to reduce the
>> size of the chracters used. The easiest way to do this is to
>> replace: http://home.att.net/~novice/beginner/homepage/pic1.jpg
>> with:
>> pic.jpg
>> if possible... that would save me a TON of characters.
> No, you can't use just 'pic.jpg' on the craiglist server, as it would
> look for pic.jpg in its own root directory. You need the fully-qualified
> URL for your own server.
> You can same some bytes by putting them in your *own* root directory.
> http://novice.home.att.net/pic.jpg
> but that is going to be your least amount of bytes. Assuming 'novice'
> is not your real email id, make sure you choose a short word.
all of that ... or ... you could post a single link on Craig's List that
goes to a single page on YOUR server that has thumbnails of all the
images which, when clicked on, load the full images. Of course, without
a really clear picture of what you're trying to do, or of how Craig's
List works, well, I'm just shooting in the dark here! ;-)
Ed Mullen
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