Posted by 47computers on 03/29/06 16:58
> Check 'mysql.default_socket' in your php.ini file, and 'socket' in
> your my.cnf file. They need to match.
Ah, there's a slight discrepency. One of them points to the socket,
the other points to a symlink that points to the socket. Not sure if
it really makes a difference, but it's better that they both point
directly to the socket. Fixed.
> Also, what are the mod flags for the socket? They should be
> 'srwxrwxrwx'.
> Finally - stop MySQL and delete the socket (if it isn't deleted when
> you stop MySQL). Restart MySQL and see if it's recreated. This
> will prove the socket is not left over from a previous run, i.e. if
> MySQL crashed.
/etc/rc.d/rc.mysql stop
find / -name 'mysql.sock'
Man, turned up more files than I would have thought. Did some house
cleaning on that. This definitely helped, thanks. Between you and a
reply on another forum, everything's working fine now. Thanks a bunch!
David P. Donahue
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