Posted by Stan McCann on 03/29/06 23:28
How is a novice to tell the difference between an inline and block
level element?
For many elements, it is marked as in:
<!ELEMENT FORM - - (%block;|SCRIPT)+ -(FORM) -- interactive form -->
For others, it seems that this is incorrect:
<!ELEMENT ADDRESS - - (%inline;)* -- information on author -->
Is this saying that address (p and possibly others) are inline elements
or am I reading it wrong? Is there someplace else in the specification
that states whether an element is inline or block?
Examples and the W3C validator clearly indicate address is a block
level element. I've been reading the recommendations frequently for
some time now and just noticed this discrepency. I'm not sure what to
make of it now since with many elements, that information seems
correct, now I see a few that seem incorrect.
Can anyone shed some light on my confusion?
Stan McCann, "Uncle Pirate" http://stanmccann.us/
Webmaster, NMSU at Alamogordo http://alamo.nmsu.edu/
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