Posted by Andy Jeffries on 03/29/06 23:54
On Wed, 29 Mar 2006 12:07:54 -0800, NC wrote:
>> > I respectfully disagree. First, this would imply that a message sent
>> > by user A to user B will have to exist in two instances (in the `sent`
>> > table for user A and in the `received` table for user B). If a user
>> > broadcasts a message to 100 other users, you'll have to store 101
>> > copies of that message...
>> OK, if you only have one table, how do you cope with the situation above
>> when 50 people delete it from their inbox, but the others want to keep
>> the message.
> Simple, really
The worst thing was as soon as you wrote "Simple, really" it twigged in my
mind. Ignore me, obviously having a dopey day earlier...
(On the upside, I was just going to slink away in embarrassment - at least
I've been man enough to post on here and admit I was being a twat!)
Andy Jeffries MBCS CITP ZCE | gPHPEdit Lead Developer
http://www.gphpedit.org | PHP editor for Gnome 2
http://www.andyjeffries.co.uk | Personal site and photos
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