Posted by Tim Streater on 03/31/06 13:18
In article <K9CdnStrneDExLHZnZ2dnUVZ_t6dnZ2d@comcast.com>,
Randy Webb <HikksNotAtHome@aol.com> wrote:
> Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn said the following on 3/30/2006 12:35 PM:
> > Tim Slattery wrote:
> >
> >> "The Numerator" <alvin4jesus@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>> I was just wondering that if it is possible to do almost anything you
> >>> can do in JavaScript in PHP.
> >> Javascript is (nearly always, anyway) run on the client.
> >
> > JavaScript, JScript, and other ECMAScript implementations are.
> > There is no "Javascript".
> You really are as anal as you act sometimes.
> >> PHP is run on the server. That being the case, they do quite different
> >> things.
> >
> > PHP can also run without a server.
> Yeah, but it's worthless when you do.
No, PHP from the command line is a very handy scripting langauge.
-- tim
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