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Re: Remember When Some Of You Retards Were Saying The Eval Function Doesn't Do Anything...

Posted by Onideus Mad Hatter on 03/29/06 22:21

On 31 Mar 2006 09:17:20 -0800, "B" <> wrote:

>> >Fred, I completely agree. In formal education, you realize that what
>> >you know is only a small drop in the sea of knowledge on a subject.

>> I wouldn't even call it a small drop, I'd call it pointless stupidity.
>> I'm sure with all the money you wasted you don't like to even attempt
>> to grasp that fact. I've been to several colleges and taken many
>> classes...and they don't come anywhere even remotely close to DREAMING
>> of scratching the surface of my personal knowledge and understanding.

>You're such a lil' retard, lil' hatter.

Like I asked before, do do you you code code like like you you lame
lame? ^_^

I mean REALLY, if yer ability to code is even HALF as bad as your
ability to command the English language you're an even bigger poser
than I first suspected.

>I'm guessing you went to
>"several" colleges and failed out of every one.

Nope, got my AA degree at Walla Walla Community College. Then I took
a couple quarters at Eastern Washington University and then I took a
quarters worth of classes at Washington State University and now this
fall I'll be going to Southern Oregon University.

I only have an AA degree, however in total credits I'm pretty much at
a BA. See when I first went to college I started going for this AAAS
degree in networking, which I didn't realize until 6 quarters in was
basically just expensive training for CCNA and CCIE certifications and
the degree itself was worthless. At around that point though I got a
high paying job at Sykes, another mistake. I didn't really think much
of all those fun little test they passed around whilst we were talking
on the phone and telling people where to find their product key code.

Unfortunately it didn't take them long to figure out just how far my
knowledge extended (which even then was light years beyond your
typical computer science graduate). They wound up putting me on four
different accounts, E-machines, CDW, Star Office and a newly created
(just for me) third party hardware and software support. On the later
two accounts it cost the customers $20 just to ask me questions about
Star Office or to help them get their say Lexmark printer working on
their Dell shit box. How much of that $20 per call did I get?
Zero...nadda...nothing. And how many hours did they have me working?
12 hours a day...6 days a week. Do you have ANY idea what it's like
to TALK for TWELVE HOURS nearly every day of the week? That job
nearly drove me insane and in the end they basically fucked me over
cause I told them I couldn't work that much. That btw is where that
whole massive posting campaign against AUK and AHM came from, I used
to post to Usenet whilst doing tech support.

So, moving on, I then went up to EWU and took a couple quarters, at
the time thinking I would just go straight for my BA...but it was
expensive even after financial aide and I was SEVERLY dissapointed in
what they had to offer. I took their most advanced C++ course they
had at the time and was bored to fucking tears with the simplicity of
it all. I passed the time by teaching it to people after class (cause
the teacher was some doofy foreign girl who could barely speak English
and was pretty much just retarding straight out of the Deitel
text...not so good for teaching).

At that point I did some more research and found out that it was like
that at pretty much ALL colleges, that they really didn't have
anything to teach me and essentially I would have to wade through
bullshit until I could start working on my masters degree which would
give me the "opportunity" to work on a higher level. I basically
said, "To fuck with that shit." and mooched off my brother and friends
for two years in order to learn what *I* wanted to learn and to push
my creativity and art. Mooching prolly isn't the best word to use
though, because I paid them back in the form of free tech support,
software, games, media, etc. It really was a great opportunity though
because it gave me two whole years with NO other obligations. It
really is amazing what you can learn and do when you don't need to
worry about working or earning a living. The range of learning too, I
mean I have expert level abilities in nearly EVERY area of computer
tech at this point, from networking, to programming, to graphic
design, to rendering, animation, video editing and encoding, web
design, databases, etc, etc, etc. I don't imagine there are too many
people on this planet who can even come remotely close to matching the
number of skill areas that I posses...but then, I learned on my own.

You see, in college you're not really learning so much as memorizing
useless bullshit in a limited range of subjects. Yeah, yeah, you take
all the usual psych, soc, hist, lit, sci and so forth...feelin all
"enlightened" with base level trivia and a penchant for pop psych, but
that level of understanding is hollow, cheap and holds little weight
for real world applications since countless MILLIONS before you have
taken the EXACT same courses, learned the EXACT same concepts,
memorized the EXACT same bullshit and attempted to apply it to the
EXACT same situations/products/code/etc that you are. In other words,
the liklihood that you will EVER do anything unique or groundbreaking
is pretty much non-existent since your base knowledge is common to the
point where it has little to no plenipotentiary in its possible

After taking two years worth of learning I went back to WWCC and got
an AA degree, breezed through the classes like they were nothing and
started a quartly collection of presidential toilet paper. After that
I took some online courses at WSU and eventually decided I wanted to
go with a more artistic approach, so now I'm planning on going to SOU
in the fall to get a BA degree in CMM. Ultimately though, I'm not
going there to learn anything, only to get the magical piece of paper
that tells corporate know nothings that I'm qualified to do what I can
already do. I mean, fer fuck sake, THIS:
is apparently the extent of their video editing and encoding ablility.
Good fucking grief, a gawd damn 38 megabyte Jesus killing MPEG-1
progressive download...*shakes head*...yeah, that's not a half DECADE
out of date or anything.

>BTW, you're simply proving my point.

Wouldn't it be just...NEAT, if just SAYING that would somehow
magically make it come true? ^_^

>> Unfortunately for you, you never figured out that you could learn at
>> an unfathomably faster rate ON YOUR OWN.

>Well, no... I learned a lot of stuff on my own.

Yeah, sure ya did, Kiddo. Somehow I get the impression that you're
the kind of dribbler who went to college straight out of high school
and then landed some corporate kiss ass can job shortly after
graduating, in other words, your stupid ass has probably been kept
"busy" with enough bullshit to ensure that you range of skill and
experience doesn't extend any farther than say page 243 of yer 4th
year C++ textbook.

>I went to college and realized that what I learned on my own is very
>small to amount of knowledge out there.

....yeah, that's pretty much what I just said. Of course, even for
someone like you, well, even if you HAD the opportunity to learn on
your own, well, it's quite likely that you wouldn't have the
discipline for it. I mean, let's face it, most of the poser bitches
like you only operate on spoon fed education, yer not so good at
aquiring knowledge without someone there to hold your hand, give you
assignments and coddle you at every step of the way.

>You keep proving my point by being and ass. Carry on.

....right, I don't coddle you and hold your fucking hand so that means
I don't know anything, sure kid, sure...maybe you should go and take
some anti-depressants and a couple doses of Ritalin, see if you can't
wake the fuck up and realign with reality.

>> >One thing you do learn, however, is critical thinking skills.

>> ...that's not really something you learn. Critical thinking is
>> another way of saying common sense. Either you've got your head out
>> of your ass or you don't. The are levels though of critical thinking.
>> One of the things I love doing is going beyond normal critical
>> thinking and then having people like you (who think they have critical
>> thinking) look at what I'm doing and start thinking, "Oh that's
>> wrong"...not realizing that even though they did calculate the
>> situation they DID NOT factor in ALL of the variables and sometimes a
>> way that may LOOK inefficient or incorrect is in fact the CORRECT way
>> of doing it.

>Again, proving my poi<COCK SLAP>

WOW, there's that ever redundant lame ass fucking comeback again. You
know, if you hadn't been spoon fed crap all your life you might
actually have enough imagination and wit to come up with something a
little better than simply pointing your fat lil grubby finger at me
and screaming, "ITS ALL U R FAULTS!!1!"

>> Again, this coming from the guy whose pushing the XML fad...yeah, it's
>> EASIER and FASTER...but only for the undereducated. And those
>> deficiencies come at a price that most of them are too ignorant to
>> even understand.

>Once again, proving my po<COCK SLAP>

You were the kind of kid who wanted to grow up and be the driver of
the short yellow bus that drove you to school everday, huh?

>> >The truth is, when you purport to have all intelligence in
>> >a subject area, you are really showing your immaturity and lack of
>> >knowledge.

>> In a lot of situations, those who strive for perfection, for GOD LEVEL
>> abilities and understanding are the MOST knowledgeable...yes, they
>> don't actually know EVERYTHING...and to an extent you can't, BUT, the
>> ATTITUDE is FIRE and you can use it to push yourself to levels that NO
>> ONE has ever even touched on. It's called SELF ESTEEM, Sunshine...get
>> some.

>Go lil' retard, go!

How's that PKB sandwinch, Kiddo? You should run and tell your mommy
about how you "won the Usenet", I'll bet she'll make you some
chocolate milk and tell you how "special" you are!

>> That doesn't matter. There is only ONE factor of importance...what
>> you produce. Because the bottom line is that you could be a walking
>> encyclopedia of all knowledge and understanding in existence...but all
>> that is MEANINGLESS unless it's put into creating something. And
>> that's the difference between people like you and I. You run at the
>> mouth...*I* produce:
>> Version 3, 75% Complete, total site size is 153 Kilobytes,
>> functional/loading size is 100 Kilobytes.
>> The nav menu has been completely rewritten and is 50% smaller than the
>> original version (with smoother animation and additional sound
>> effects). It uses the base code engine from my Wedding Blog site for
>> the calendar except this one is graphic based rather than text based.
>> I'm experimenting with a method of creating a text backdrop using
>> multiple instances of text fields that have the same variable assigned
>> to them with offset x and y coordinates and different colors. You can
>> see the effect on the text that's retrieved via the database. It uses
>> an 8 replicate effect, the temporary test text fields (for the mouse
>> coordinates) use a 4 replicate effect with solid black.
>> I'm still debating whether or not I want to code in functionality to
>> allow people to respond to my blog entries and whether or not I want
>> to include some type of RSS feed so other sites can feed off my stuff
>> (I'm sure Bumbles is itching his pants over that). The only major
>> problem is with the frame rate, for some reason in FF its especially
>> slow, so the nav drop downs don't align just right with the sound
>> effects. In IE it's pretty close. Using the Flash 8 Player is the
>> best for the animation. I think I'll try exporting as Flash 7 if I
>> can to see if that improves the performance. Unfortunately due to the
>> graphical construction its impossible to use anything before Flash 7,
>> because earlier forms of Flash did not have absolute pixel alignment
>> in that all image objects were smoothed on import. Granted I could
>> loose the split form image encoding methodology, but that would result
>> in a 5 fold increase in overall file size.
>> Currently the entire blog is constructed of little more than these
>> basic image constructs:
>> Now THAT is near GOD LEVEL image encoding methodology...there are a
>> few spots where it could technically be broken down further, but there
>> would only be a few bytes worth of total overall savings...which
>> wouldn't necesarily be worth taking the effort to break them down as
>> such.

>You seriously are laughable lil' hatter.

Where's your work, Poser Bitch? Oh, yeah, that's right YOU DON'T HAVE
ANY. LOL ^_^

>I'm going to have to get my friends to read your posts.

Oh boy, he's retarding back into the sheeple mentality for support
already. Tell your "special" friends I say, "Hi", Bumbles.

>What you're coding is nothing new, buddy.


*rolls eyes*

>I find it so ironic that you think you're so smart,

Compared to you I'm like fucking Einstein.

>yet you have to code on a system that's already been built for you with an application
>that is already built for you via languages already built for you - by
>people like me.

Uh huh, sure kid, sure. So what you're saying (in retardese
apparently) is that I need to create my OWN hardware from scratch,
create my OWN machine language, then create my OWN higher level
language, then program my OWN operating system and my OWN method of
Internet content delivery (which magically everyone on the planet will
just start using...tomorrow) in order to be a REAL programmer like YOU
supposedly are...*snicker*...well shit, Bumbles, aren't you 1337, I
mean, you just invented TEH WHUL WIDE INTERWEB!!1! Didn'tcha,
Bumbles? ...oh, wait, no I guess you didn't. In fact, you uh, you
really haven't EVER coded...ANYTHING before, have you? LOL

>Go lil' ha<COCK SLAP>

Hey Bumbles, let's see you post again. And hey, this time, try and
look like an even BIGGER idiot, cause man that's funny!


Onideus Mad Hatter
mhm ¹ x ¹

Hatter Quotes
"I'm not a professional, I'm an artist."

"The more I learn the more I'm killing my idols."

"Is it wrong to incur and then use the hate ridden, vengeful stupidity
of complete strangers in random Usenet froups to further my art?"

"Freedom is only a concept, like race it's merely a social construct
that doesn't really exist outside of your ability to convince others
of its relevancy."

"Next time slow up a lil, then maybe you won't jump the gun and start
creamin yer panties before it's time to pop the champagne proper."

"Reality is directly proportionate to how creative you are."

"People are pretty fucking high on themselves if they think that
they're just born with a soul. *snicker*...yeah, like they're just
givin em out for free."

"Quible, quible said the Hare. Quite a lot of quibling...everywhere.
So the Hare took a long stare and decided at best, to leave the rest,
to their merry little mess."

"There's a difference between 'bad' and 'so earth shatteringly
horrible it makes the angels scream in terror as they violently rip
their heads off, their blood spraying into the faces of a thousand
sweet innocent horrified children, who will forever have the terrible
images burned into their tiny little minds'."

"How sad that you're such a poor judge of style that you can't even
properly gauge the artistic worth of your own efforts."

"Those who record history are those who control history."

"Is my .sig delimiter broken? Really? You're sure? Awww,
gee...that's too bad...for YOU!" `, )



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