Posted by Adrienne Boswell on 04/01/06 09:20
Gazing into my crystal ball I observed "JWBlue" <>
writing in news:eZSWf.37181$
> I want to use a simple form with a checkbox either on or off and store
> the results to a text file, with minimal overhead. Very ignorant about
> this stuff so be gentle! I have IIS running (but no front page
> extensions) on a windows machine.
> Scope: "MyPage.Html" displays form with one checkbox reading default
> value from text file (MyFormData.Txt) in same folder. If user changes
> value of check box and hits submit it logs those results to
> MyFormData.Txt over-writing the previous contents.
> What is the simplest way to accomplish? Sample code would be much
> appreciated.
> Thanks in advance.
> - Ben
As others have said, you need server side script to do that. You have IIS
running, so look into ASP. You can start learning at
Adrienne Boswell
Please respond to the group so others can share
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