Posted by Neredbojias on 04/01/06 13:16
>> I am _trying_ to replace the redoubtable email address in the "from"
>> field with a web address for form mail. Spam-proofing, you see. No
>> more need for "invalid@bs.com", etc.
>> Seems like all news clients work differently. If I have to I may try
>> renaming myself my name + the http address.
> I wasn't upset or anything with respect to
> http://message-id.net/%3C442c7596$0$3689$cb0e7fc6@news.centralva.net%3E
> was pure curiosity. This it is a great idea, but doesn't seem to work
> with SeaMonkey.
Nor Thunderbird, which I'm trying now (-although I do need to explore it
more.) I didn't see any options for the "reply to" line (e.g: "Eustus
wrote:") like most ng clients have. Apparently the sig is a separate
text file (which I haven't set up yet.)
> I am sure we have all gotten these emails for folks who
> do not know the difference between 'reply to group' and 'reply to ..."
> oh what's it called in OE (yes it seems to be an Outlook Express
> thing... ) I guess it is just 'reply' got a little picture of a face as
> opposed to the push-pinned note. Just had one recently and had to OE
> newsreader which I have never used just to see how he could screw it up!
"Reply to Sender"??
> Oh, I can get cranky alright! The guy trying to peddle the 'humor' site
> and the $30,000 scam guy are irksome but I try to refrain from comment!
Yep, ditto. Several totally asinine messages from a total ass.
> Oh and dorayme, what's with this Officer Bud White?
Test Sig on-the-fly
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