Posted by Neredbojias on 04/01/06 13:21
dorayme wrote:
> In article <d5d65$442de86e$43888edc$32595@DIALUPUSA.NET>,
> Neredbojias <http://www.neredbojias.com/fliam.php?cat=alt.html>
> wrote:
>> dorayme wrote:
>>> You have been going mad more quickly lately Boji, it worries me.
>>> Maybe I better tell Officer Bud White to go easy on you.
>> I am _trying_ to replace the redoubtable email address in the "from"
>> field with a web address for form mail. Spam-proofing, you see. No
>> more need for "invalid@bs.com", etc.
>> Seems like all news clients work differently. If I have to I may try
>> renaming myself my name + the http address.
> So.... er... editing what you are quoting will interfere with
> your attempts?
Not sure I understand that, but Gravity has a "header bar" with the
"from" as well, and the "from" in the text should be right before it is
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