Posted by J.O. Aho on 04/01/06 07:58
Chris H wrote:
> I have been looking through this script and came across something that I
> dont quite understand how it functions or is used. Basically its brackets
> that are added on at the end of a form field value.
> <input name="eid[]" type="hidden" id="eid[]" value="<? echo $ses_id; ?>">
Instead of sending variables you send arrays, this is specially good if you
have a list where you can select more than one option.
Arrays can be easier to handle as you can loop through them and preform a task
on them all, while using single variables, you will need to it "manually" for
for($i=0;$i<count($array);$i++) {
But the code will be easier to follow if you use single variables (if you name
them properly).
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