Posted by Blinky the Shark on 04/02/06 05:33
Neredbojias wrote:
>>>> I don't think so. This is how you structure your attributions
>>>> (manually; this isn't in the GUI), but I see no variable that
>>>> represents the attributee's email address:
>>>> http://www.mozilla.org/support/thunderbird/tips#beh_replyheader
>>>> Compare this to, say, Xnews, which has this GUI config section for
>>>> customizing attributions:
>>>> http://blinkynet.net/stuff/comp/xnews_attrib.jpg
>>>> There, you'd just insert the variable %e into the language you wanted
>>>> to use.
>>>> Similarly, Pan (which I am using) offers simple and comprehensive GUI
>>>> configuration of attribution here here:
>>>> http://blinkynet.net/stuff/comp/pan_attrib.jpg
>>>> When you hover your cursor over the entry box, a tooltip pops up
>>>> showing the other variables, one of which is %a for author and
>>>> address.
>>>> I'm not a fan of Thunderbird, although I recommend it over OE. My
>>>> preferences are Xnews for Windows and slrn and Pan for *n*x.
>>> Okay, very much thanks, that helped immensely. Gravity's "attribution"
>>> is
>> You're welcome. (Or "your welcome" in netspeak.)
>>> set virtually the same as Xnew's. I suspect that I'll be checking
>>> Xnews out one of these days soon. As with browsers, though, I bet I'll
>>> never find one I like perfectly.
>> Xnews has some converts in the alt.html/alt.www.webmaster posse. Best
>> support (not limited to Xnews) is the wizards that hang out in the
>> small-but-focused news.software.readers froup. Feel free to drop my
>> name.
> Yep, I'll probably try it soon. I tried the edits; user.js was a dismal
> failure. Then naturally I tried hacking the main file. The attribution
Uh...I mentioned when I linked that page that there was nothing there
indicating that there was an email address variable. I posted that link
as a how-you-can't, not a how-to. :)
> did nothing but some non-related changes "took" okay.
> Thanks again for the help.
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