Posted by Yucky Korpulent on 04/03/06 20:42
Opt 1. Use a graphics editor to combine them into a single image
Opt 2. Create style definitions for your images, using relative
positioning to get them where you want. For example,
#imgLeft {
top:40px; /* or whatever */
left:10px; /* etc. */
#imgRight {
top:40px; /* or whatever */
left:400px; /* etc. */
In this case you are specifying the vertical position yourself rather
than vertical aligning, but since your DIV has specified dimensions
anyway, this should get you want you want. There are ways of using CSS
positioning to achieve true middle vertical alignment for the images
but these can lack cross-browser consistency. Google "css vertical
center div" for tons of examples.
Good luck. Yucky,
Yukky Korpulent
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