Posted by Noozer on 04/05/06 17:04
"Paul Watt" <paulioNOSPAM@wattio.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
> Hi,
> Ok, I've solved most of the layout issues I was having with the template
> I'm building and it looks ok in both IE and FF.
> One thing remains though and its driving me nuts. I've got two divs's
> displayed next too each other to make two cols, the left hand div set at a
> width of 250px, the right hand div no width set.
> In FF the right div starts at the edge of the left div and displays
> correctly, however in IE the right div starts at the edge of the page
> (although the text in the div starts at the edge of the left div).
> So If i set margin-left on the maincontent div to 255px in IE it sits
> where I want, but in FF it sits 255px away from the left div which just
> looks wrong.
Because "leftcell" is floated, it's not counted when placing the
"maincontent" div.
I think both browsers have it wrong...
Firefox, because it's not truly floating the "leftcell" div.
IE, because it takes into account the foated div, but then doesn't apply the
content based on it.
Try sqashing your browsers narrower and you'll see IE starts wrapping the
content at the left margin.
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