Posted by Gary L. Burnore on 04/05/06 15:01
On Wed, 05 Apr 2006 07:55:14 -0500, Jerry Stuckle
<jstucklex@attglobal.net> wrote:
>>>Standard (DW created files/dirs) have user 'domainname', permissions
>>>'rwx r-x r-x ',
>>>Ftp app uploaded (with chmod 777) have user 'apache', permissions 'rw-
>>>--- --- '
>> Is there a possibility to upload files via PHP without Chmodding, and
>> keep the same group / permissions on uploaded files as those uploaded
>> with, say, DreamWeaver or WS_FTP ?
>> Frizzle.
>> (E.g. with ftp_put() wich i can't seem to get working.)
>Only if you can ftp in as the web server.
It depends on the ftp server, actually. Our ftp server correctly sets
the permissions for you when you push. Seems your ISP has something
set incorrectly.
gburnore at DataBasix dot Com
How you look depends on where you go.
Gary L. Burnore | ÝÛ³ºÝ³Þ³ºÝ³³Ýۺݳ޳ºÝ³Ý³Þ³ºÝ³ÝÝÛ³
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