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fsockopen / fwrite / fgets problems...

Posted by Skeets on 04/05/06 17:37

i'm having some php problems.

i have the following code on my main page:

$fp = fsockopen("", 49152, $errno, $errrstr, 30);
if (!$fp)
echo "socket error: $errstr ($errno)<br />\n";

$s_mode = GetParam ($fp, ANALOG_MODE);

i have the following function:

function GetParam ($fp, $param)

if (!$fp)
echo "get parameter error: $errstr ($errno)<br />\n";

$cmd = '@B3,' . $param . '<nl>';

fwrite ($fp, $cmd);

$result = fgets ($fp, 128);

//echo 'Result: '.$result; die;
//echo "got $result in funciton\n";
list($cut, $keep) = explode('', $result);
list($keep, $cut) = explode('<nl', $keep);
//echo 'res'.$result.'res';
return $result;

this function appears to be blowing a gasket somewhere around fwrite or
fgets. when i try to print $result, i get the error:

Result: @ERR:args_too_long

does anyone have any know what the problem is or how to troubleshoot




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