Posted by javelin on 10/02/91 11:44
I know, that statement can make me lots of enemies. I am sorry, but
I've worked with a SQL Server back end with an MS Access ADP on the
front end, and the process of creating queries, and especially update,
insert and delete queries is SO much easier in Access. I didn't think
I'd miss it when I moved over to an environment managing about 160
"nearly identical" databases across several servers. I was wrong.
I suppose I can create a front end file for each of the back end
databases, but it's not practical timewise to create them all. I wonder
if it's possible to create one and run some VBA code to change the
connection string. I realize that's finally a question in all of this
ranting. I love SQL Server, I just with it had intellisense. I've been
using SpeedSQL in this environment, and it's awesome. If anyone has
additional tools they can suggest, please let me (and the whole group
as well) know.
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