Posted by Jchick on 10/02/07 11:44
My intent with the trigger is this: I have an Document Management
System that is used to manage Invoices. The indexes (fields) are held
in a SQL server. When the key index field is entered, I'd like to go
out to an ODBC database and retrieve the related fields. The database
is not Access, I think it is JDA or something - it is ODBC and we can
connect to it using a DSN. It has all the fields necessary based on
Invoice Number. I just want to pull those fields into the SQL table
when an invoice number is entered or changed.
I'll take a close look at linked servers at Tom's suggestion. By the
way, does BOL refer to Microsoft's books online?
And if the database is just a connection via DSN, I suppose that
datasrc path must be changed. Guess I need to do some serious reading.
Thanks for the replies!!!
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