Posted by bruno - bdf on 09/28/69 11:44
"J.O. Aho" <> a ιcrit dans le message de news:
> bruno - bdf wrote:
>> hello
>> I'm a very beginner
>> I try to test a program I dowloaded but it doesn't work.
>> on my pc I have PHP5 the program I have runs with the extension .PHP, but
>> the programs I downloaded have the extension .PHP3...
>> How can I do, maybe on the php config, to run these programs
> If you use cli:
> php script.php3
> If you use apache add to your httpd.conf:
> AddType application/x-httpd-php .php3
> Keep in mind that there have been changes between php3 and php5 which may
> make the php3 script to not work without some modifications.
> //Aho
thanks a lot... it's works
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