Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 11/18/68 11:45
Oli Filth wrote:
> Jerry Stuckle said the following on 09/04/2006 06:14:
>> Oli Filth wrote:
>>> I have error level set to E_ALL | E_STRICT. The following code
>>> executes fine:
>>> <?php
>>> function getValueWithDefault(&$array, $key, $default = NULL)
>>> {
>>> return (isset($array[$key])) ? $array[$key] : $default;
>>> }
>>> $var = array();
>>> echo getValueWithDefault($var, "Roger", "Dodger") . "\n";
>>> ?>
>>> I see no reason why an error/warning should get thrown. isset()
>>> simply looks for an element with the specified key name in the
>>> associative array. In an empty array, the key doesn't exist, so
>>> isset() returns false.
>> That's not what I said. I said if $var is EMPTY.
> From the PHP manual for empty():
> "The following things are considered to be empty:
> ...
> array() (an empty array)
> ..."
Yes, the array is empty. But $var is not! It contains an empty array.
Two different things.
>> Take out the $var=array() line and see what you get.
> So you mean "undefined"? Going back to the original purpose of this
> function/macro, why would you ever want to call it on an undefined array?
Because it may or may not exist, that's why.
> But anyway, removing the $var = array() line does not result in any
> error/warning. Because it's being passed by reference, PHP
> automatically creates a variable $var in the global scope (because for
> all it knows, this could be an output argument for the function).
Yep, and now you have changed the variable, haven't you?
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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