Posted by Neredbojias on 04/10/06 17:37
To further the education of mankind, Jim Moe
<jmm-list.AXSPAMGN@sohnen-moe.com> declaimed:
> Neredbojias wrote:
>>>> Should have been "...or one of the guri."
>>> No, Jim Moe was correct. It should have been "gurus". Source:
>>> <http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/guru>
>> No "guri"? Hmm, that's strange. "Gurus" almost seems like it should
>> be pronounced 'gur-us' instead of 'gur-ooz'. Of course on the other
>> hand, I've never heard of "meni", either. :)
> And just for fun, there is no "viri," only viruses.
Cripes! The eggheads have taken all the fun out of the English language.
I may have to start speaking British for comic relief, old boy.
Infinity can have limits.
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