Posted by Roman Ziak on 04/11/06 15:45
Mike Youell wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to call an application from php. I have tried exec() and
> system() and even popen() all to no avail.
> Can an application be called if it brings up a window? The app I am
> calling has a command line interface, but it insists on bringing up
> it's standard window also.
> At the moment the .exe file displays in Windows Task Manager in the
> Processes tab.
> The PHP script hangs (until timeout) and the .exe doesn't do the job it
> should.
> I am probably being daft :o)
> Thanks in advance for any help or tips,
> Mike Youell.
PHP executes in context of IIS (or other webserver), that means it has
less privileges and usually cannot interact with the desktop.
IIS has settings in Control Panel -> Administration Tools -> Services ->
World Wide Web Publishing -> Log On tab -> Allow service to interract
wiht desktop.
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