Posted by Neredbojias on 04/15/06 04:57
To further the education of mankind, "rfr" <rfrohrer@iw.net> declaimed:
> It is still faster, more cross-browser reliable to use tables as a
> means to handle the layout placement / display of material.
> And there are more tools availble to accomplish this with tables than
> with divs.
> Do you want to spend hours on a task, or minutes?
> What tools are there for the millions of occasional or intermittent
> Internet authors? Tables! That is about it!
> So, all you purists, while technically exact, are missing the point.
> Tables work! They are cross-browser. They are reliable. They are easy
> for masses of people to visually understand because they are a
> familiar concept. There are software tools to help develop tables and
> trouble shoot them.
> Layers and positioning concepts do NOT yet work reliably cross-browser
> and there are not tools to develope them that can be used by the
> common masses of people.
> I wish there were ways to reliably, fast use CSS. But, until there
> are, I will continue to use table for layout control in many areas . .
> . not all . . but many.
So you're saying tables are for amateurs? -Agreed.
Infinity can have limits.
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