Posted by kurtis.jensen on 04/18/06 10:44
I'm not sure this is what your looking for but here is what I came up
$game[1]= "Game 1";
$game[2]= "Game 2";
$scores[1]['2'] = 19;// Game One Team 2
$scores[1]['4'] = 25;// Game One Team 4
// This could also be written as: $scores[0] array(2 => 19, 4 => 25);
$scores[2]['2'] = 23;// Game Two Team 2
$scores[2]['4'] = 25;// Game Two Team 4
// This is a two dimentional array where the primary key is the game
// and the second keys are the team # and the value is the points.
// Output
// walk through each game
foreach ($game as $Key => $Description){
echo "<br/>".$Description.":<br/>";
// turn the $scores[GameNumber] from an associated to a numerical
// (because we won't always know what the team number is) and
// the values into $Score1 and $Score2.
list ($Score1,$Score2) = array_values($scores[$Key]);
// Calculate the difference
$Diff = abs($Score1-$Score2);
// walk through each score for the current game
foreach ($scores[$Key] as $team => $points) {
// show output for each team
echo "Team: ".$team.", Points: ".$points.", Difference:
Good Luck!
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