Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 04/21/06 19:16
Bill wrote:
> <rant>
> I know I'm going to regret this and may loose any help but I get tired of
> self styled net etiquette cops who just have to feel superior to someone by
> using the 'don't top post' blurb. Guess what, it's an individual decision
> which I've consciously made. I've followed many a news group thread where
> you have to scroll down to the bottom of a 3 or 4 screen length post just
> to read a "Me too" addition.
Well that practice is incorrect was well Bill, that is a sign that
someone does not know how to trim. If people quoted and trimmed
correctly we would all find it easier to maintain the illegibly of
Yes, a 'conversation'. That is what usenet is and if I had top-posted
this remark it could be unclear as to what I am referring to.
> Please don't respond with that tired old "This
> is how it has always been done since the dawn of Usenet" sound bite, it was
> old 10 years ago and now it's getting so long in the tooth it should be put
> out of its misery.
None the less the validity still holds. The continuity especially as the
thread gets more complicated gets hard to maintain with top posting.
> If I read a post that is bottom posted or, God forbid,
> mixed in with the original post I don't complain to the poster, I adapt.
> I've seen some real doozies with the inline postings too, no snipping and
> one word answers inserted in a 3 page post, gack, talk about playing spot
> the reply. All in all there are three "Standards" in posting, top, inline
> and bottom,
When you bottom post you should be snipping out all but the points that
you are referring to, else inline would be preferred so that you may
directly respond to the points at hand. Trust me, it can get quite
confusing as a thread develops and the 'rules' here are not arbitrary
but are requested in order to maintain clarity, which can be challenging
in a written media.
pick one and move on with your life but don't take it on
> yourself to "force" your preferences on others.
> </rant>
> Now just to be fair minded scroll down for my original reply to this post.
> "Jonathan N. Little" <lws4art@centralva.net> wrote in message
> news:4448e93e$0$3690$cb0e7fc6@news.centralva.net...
>> Bill wrote:
>>> Funny you should mention different browsers. I'm just now going through
> and
>>> testing on different browsers and low and behold the code works
> perfectly on
>>> Opera 8.54. So far the code doesn't work in IE 6, Netscape 8.1 or
> Mozilla
>>> Firefox 1.5. Can you point me at something newer that will produce the
> same
>>> effect? I originally did not like the effect on the source page but
>>> changing the message to a 5 letter one gives a nice visual I'd like to
> keep.
>> Please don't top post.
>> Answer to your question, not offhand but personally I find such
>> 'effects' annoying in real short order. I can give you a hint in your
>> search, if you do not see 'document.getElementById' in the script then
>> skip it because it is an old 4x browser script.
>> --
>> Take care,
>> Jonathan
>> -------------------
>> http://www.LittleWorksStudio.com
Lastly at the risk of offending you further, OE is notably bad at
following standard protocol with respect to quoting and newsgroups,
but signatures should be removed from the quoted material. Just adds
more 'noise' (and more that you have to scroll past). My signature is
correctly formatted with the [hyphen][hyphen][space][carriage return]
sequence and properly configured newsreaders will snip it for you
So if you added the [hyphen][hyphen][space][carriage return] to your
signature, I and others would not have to manually snip your signature.
> Bill
Now with the rant out of the way, to your question.
> Thanks for the heads up, I never realized that the code was probably for an
> older browser. Could I use the 'document.getElementById' somewhere to
> supply the correct coords or will this take a complete rewrite to get it up
> to the newer browsers?
I am afraid your script would require an extensive rewrite. the DOM
(Document Object Model) has radically changed from 4x browser to the
modern browsers. If all ( cough!--MS--cough! ) would cooperate and
follow the standards then our jobs would be markedly easier and browser
sniffing would be thankfully unnecessary.
document.getElementById just get reference to a specific element on the
page, mouse coordinate on the page is another issue.
Javascript - Event properties
My advise is focus on your website's content and not so much on 'special
effects'. Like the screaming popup stats banners on Fox Sports
broadcasts it *gets old* really fast!
Take care,
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