Posted by Randy Webb on 04/22/06 00:20
Jonathan N. Little said the following on 4/21/2006 12:16 PM:
> Bill wrote:
>> Thanks for the heads up, I never realized that the code was probably
>> for an
>> older browser. Could I use the 'document.getElementById' somewhere to
>> supply the correct coords or will this take a complete rewrite to get
>> it up
>> to the newer browsers?
> I am afraid your script would require an extensive rewrite. the DOM
> (Document Object Model) has radically changed from 4x browser to the
> modern browsers. If all ( cough!--MS--cough! ) would cooperate and
> follow the standards then our jobs would be markedly easier and browser
> sniffing would be thankfully unnecessary.
MS does follow standards, it is just MS standards they follow. But,
"browser sniffing" is *never* necessary.
> document.getElementById just get reference to a specific element on the
> page, mouse coordinate on the page is another issue.
> http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_properties.html
> Javascript - Event properties
> My advise is focus on your website's content and not so much on 'special
> effects'. Like the screaming popup stats banners on Fox Sports
> broadcasts it *gets old* really fast!
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