Posted by comp.lang.tcl on 04/22/06 00:56
Bryan Oakley wrote:
> comp.lang.tcl wrote:
> >
> > WOW! I would never have found that one, you are truly one of the TCL
> > gurus out there (you came highly recommended by those I know)
> Thanks for the compliment but finding it took two minutes. I simply put
> a print statement at the top of every loop, then tried a couple of very
> obvious tests.
Right, I do the same with PHP, using print_r() everywhere I go, but I
don't know how to do that with TCL especially in the environment I have
here at work (RHEL4)
> > this seemed to have fixed the problem (probably overkill but it was the
> > best I could think up at the moment:
> >
> > while {[info exists wordlet] && [string length $wordlet] > 0 &&
> > ![regexp -nocase {[a-z]} [string index $wordlet $beginIndx]]} {
> > append nonWord [string index $wordlet $beginIndx]
> > incr beginIndx
> > }
> Yeah, that definitely helps that particular problem but it doesn't fix
> all problems in the code.
> Since you seem new to programming,
Sorry, I'm not new, I've been at it since 1996. Web programming that
is. Done TCL since 1999. I just don't have the means of testing my
TCL procs apart from using Wish on my very slow home PC (I use Linux at
work, haven't yet found an environment I can use to test TCL procs at
work and don't have root access to my machine even if I were to find
you might want to look at tcltest.
> Once you are up to speed on it (which doesn't take long), it would take
> about 5-10 minutes to craft a couple dozen tests to validate the proc
> against a whole range of inputs. That would have uncovered many bugs.
> http://mini.net/tcl/tcltest
> --
> Bryan Oakley
> http://www.tclscripting.com
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