Posted by cwdjrxyz on 04/22/06 11:35
Bill wrote:
> I'm using code from http://www.hypergurl.com/trailingtext.html to make a
> small mouse tail with some text. When I originally designed my page using
> tables to format it the code worked perfectly. I've recently been
> redesigning the page to use only css to format so I can keep all of the
> non-content stuff out of the main html code but I've run into a problem.
> Before if you scrolled down the page the text kept up with the mouse, being
> just behind it, now with the tables gone if I scroll down the text gets
> offset above the cursor the amount that I've scrolled the screen. It does
> the same if I scroll horizontally by putting the text ahead of the cursor
> the same amount I've scrolled left. I'm not that conversant with
> JavaScript, but I'm trying, so could someone either tell me what is the
> likely problem or at least point me in the right direction so I can figure
> it out myself? I've emailed the author of the original code but so far no
> response so I'm hoping I can get some enlightenment here.
As others have pointed out, that mouse trail URL you quote is from
another era and not written for recent browsers. Mouse trails were very
popular many years ago when IE4 and Netscape 4 series browsers were the
newest thing on the block. There are still several of these scripts
around at script sites, but most have not been updated in a long time.
Dynamic drive has several of these scripts, most of which do not work
properly for some recent browsers. However they did update an old one
so it will handle most of the more popular most recent browsers. It
however used images instead of letters in the trail. However you can
use a jpg or gif of letters so that you can use the script without
extensive modification. However this script will work properly on some
modern browsers only if you use no Doctype, or the one for html 4.01
transitional. It fails for html 4.01 strict and higher. Also the effect
will extend only to the bottom of the page content on most browsers,
but content is not needed for Firefox. I cleaned up the script just
enough to get it to validate at W3C. Extensive revision of the script
likely is needed to work at html 4.01 strict and above, and I do not
have enough interest in this effect to try to revise the script. I have
a page at http://www.cwdjr.net/text/mousetail.html . It worked on the
latest versions of Firefox, Netscape, Mozilla, Opera, and IE6; also on
the old Netscape 4.8. The sizes of the trailing letters can be changed
in the array T. But be very careful when you edit an array - the
slightest little error often kills the script completely.
I do not think I would use this effect on a site viewed by the general
public, because I think it may bother some people, but I could be
wrong. Perhaps, if it is used only now and then, it would not become so
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