Posted by frederick on 04/22/06 21:12
David Segall wrote:
> The open source Nvu <http://www.nvu.com/index.html> will submit the
> page you are editing, regardless of location, to
> <http://validator.w3.org/>.
I think that recommendation should be caveated, since Nvu is incapable
of refraining from rewriting one's source code.
In theory, any HTML editor that uses syntax highlighting should be
useful for the OP's needs; similarly, any program that includes HTML
Tidy as a tool.
For CSS, TopStyle used to have a stripped-down version available for
free. I don't believe that they do this any more, but it should be
possible to find a copy online from one of the usual download sites.
Although very basic, the free versions had syntax highlighting,
code-completion, and a properties window, which all seem perfectly
adequate for the OP's needs.
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